City Wine Tours Promotion on NYC Offerings


Photos via City Wine Tours

If you know a person who loves wine and exploring New York City, here’s a gift idea that might cater to their palette. Recently, City Wine Tours reached out to me about their two tour offerings in West Village and SoHo. Each walking tour is led by a wine ambassador, who takes attendees to two high-end restaurants in each respective neighborhood for sit-down tastings of pre-selected wines and appetizer pairings.

After sampling various pre-chosen bottles, the group goes on to a wine store for a 101 lesson on buying wine. The tours run on Saturday and Sunday afternoons and usually max out at about 10 attendees.


City Wine Tours has also created a special discount code that gives you a nice incentive that you raise a glass to (or even treat yourself to). Apply the code MicheleNY10 for $10 off a CWT gift card or ticket now through December 31, 2016 upon booking. You can book directly through their website. City Wine Tours also offers similar tours in Boston, but this promotion is for Manhattan tours only.

Editor’s Note: I have a business agreement with City Wine Tours, where I would receive payment for confirmed bookings. Also, I’m always on the lookout for new places and resources for expanding my wine knowledge.

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